(此教材僅提供中文版本 This learning kit is available in Chinese only)
記不記得小時候第一次願意和人合作是為了什麼? 想必是在 「玩」 。小朋友在遊戲中與隊員一起設法贏取任務成功,從中培養協作、創意及不斷嘗試的精神 !
在設計過程中總會遇到失敗,不要即時放棄想法,與隊友一起找出設計上的不足,加以改良,相信最後一定可以成功完成任務 !
活動帶領者 : 學校教師
活動參加者 : 適合小三至小六學生的遊戲 , 2-4人一組 , 最好年齡有 一定差異。 讓學生了解對方的能力、 學習同理心與合作精神。
60分鐘 (製作及遊戲)
乒乓球 x1 、即棄紙杯/膠杯 x1
道具材料 : 繩子、夾、紙皮、紙碟、紙杯、膠紙
*教材工作紙 (每人一份)
• Milk Design Limited
Milk Design, recognised as a unique and renowned design studio from Hong Kong, was founded by Mr Lee Chi Wing, an experienced product design and local educator. The team shares the philosophy that design is a good opportunity to practise empathy, think critically, and apply creativity to daily life and to society.
Stickyline was founded in 2011 by Mic Leong & Soilworm Lai. Focusing on paper engineering and structure development, the creative duo has been transforming two-dimensional planes into three-dimensional forms through deconstruction and reconstruction. By folding and creasing, they have created art and design in its own form as installation art, sculpture, stage design and window display, etc.
• Allan Au
A new media artist and software engineer specialising in interactive installations. Completed his Master’s degree in Interactive Digital Media at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication (UK). Allan is passionate about collaborating with designers and artists from different fields. His works have been exhibited at various international and local art, design, and architecture exhibitions.