(此教材僅提供中文版本 This learning kit is available in Chinese only)
活動參與者:就讀小學3至6年級的小朋友 (單人或多人參與皆可,人數不限)
第 1 部份:熱身、展示數據、認識香港塑膠分類和回收再造現況,約 30 – 40 分鐘
第 2 部份:製作膠袋再造繩時尚潮物,約 1 小時 40 分鐘
第 3 部份:作品展示 Catwalk 及總結,約 20 分鐘
The teaching team led by Littleurbanmountain is comprised of multi-disciplinary local creatives, including architects, designers, makers/craftsmen and drama educators. The team will guide students in experiencing the process of design thinking through the creative workshop.
Littleurbanmountain is a collaborative platform that focuses on architecture, interior design and art in Hong Kong. Founded by architect Bong Yeung and theatre artist Lai Sim Fong in 2017, Littleurbanmountain is keen on exploring the relationship between architecture and human condition. Started by working on projects related to sustainable design and social architecture, the team now also creates art installations and participates in community, architectural and interior design projects.